Puerto Nuevo Restaurants
Puerto Nuevo Mexico boost over 35 side by side restaurants all serving basically the same menu - fried lobster served with rice, beans and fresh homemade tortillas...
Driving Information and Maps
Map of Puerto Nuevo Lobster Village and driving directions from San Diego and Arizona. Also find information on crossing the border, toll roads, mexican insurance...
Accommodations in or Around Puerto Nuevo
Find and book your hotel or accommodations in minutes. Also find information on villas, vacation rentals, beach rentals and campgrounds around Puerto Nuevo...
Puerto Nuevo Shopping and Shops
Puerto Nuevo offers oceanfront shoping almost exclusively located on one street, find souveneirs, Mexican candy and handicrafts. Also information on nearby shops...
Nearby Cities or Baja Destinations
Puerto Nuevo is a small vilage with large cities nearby. Find information on nearby cities, Rosarito, Ensenada, Tijuana and much more...
Attractions - Nearby Puerto Nuevo
There are so many places and things to see in or around Puerto Nuevo. We have put together a list of places to visit on your next trip to Puerto Nuevo...
Activities - Nearby Puerto Nuevo
If you like all things water than you will find amazing activities located around the Lobster Village of Puerto Nuevo from surfing to golfing...
Events and Festivals in Puerto Nuevo
Throughout the year Puerto Nuevo Mexico has several festivals such as the annual Puerto Nuevo Lobster Festival, get all the info...
Tour Companies
Information on companies that provide tours to Puerto Nuevo and other areas in Baja, including Limo bus tours, limousine tours and local shuttles services...
Wedding Information
Whether you are looking for the old world charm of Mexico or an oceanfront wedding, we provide information on consultants, and hotels that offer wedding packages...
Baja Information
In this section find information on Mexican vehicle permits, fishing and boating licences, tourist cards, Mexican Visas, Baja Tourism Boards...